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AUTHOR Akansha chaudhary, Preeti Mali, Pooja Chaudhari,Sulekha Shardul, M.R.Tiwari
TITLE Review on Intelligent Tutoring System
ABSTRACT Educational Data Mining (EDM) is the process of converting raw data from Educational systems to useful information that can be used by educational software Developers, students, teachers, parents, and other educational researchers. Currently there is an increasing interest in data mining and educational systems, making educational data mining as a new growing research community. This work provides the application of data mining to traditional educational systems, particular web-based courses, well-known learning content management systems, and adaptive and intelligent webbased educational systems. Each of these systems has different data source and objectives for knowledge discovering. India’s education system is traditional; it has not under gone changes according to the existing technology. The main objective of this model is to predict the actions of new students for improving the tutoring feedback provided by an intelligent tutoring system. This Portal will also help to conduct online exams in class rooms, Teacher can create and upload test, after that teacher need to activate and the test will available for students. It also has features like the Download Notes, View Notes, feedback option and many more. The proposed model has been validated using student logs collected in a Computer laboratory. As a result of this validation, we concluded that the model can provide reasonably good predictions and can support tutoring feedback that is better adapted to each student type.
Keyword Educational Data Mining, e-learning, Procedural Training, Intelligent Tutoring Systems
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Open Access
AUTHOR Shashank Sonawane, Gujarathi T.V
TITLE Study on Natural Frequencies Due to Inclined Crack with Variable Angles of Inclination and Varying Crack Depths Using Vibration Analysis
ABSTRACT An important assignment for engineers is to determine the effect of the damage like inclined cracks on the stability characteristic of beam structure. The Cracks in vibrating component can initiate catastrophic failures. The presences of cracks change the physical characteristics of a structure which in turn alter its dynamic response characteristics. Therefore there is need to understand dynamics of cracked structures. This paper focuses on the vibration analysis of a beam with fixed free boundary condition and investigates the mode shape and its frequency. Finite element analysis using ANSYS software is adopted for the dynamic behavior of the beam. Variations of natural frequencies due to inclined crack with variable angles of inclination and with varying crack depths have been studied. The analysis is performed using ANSYS software.
Keyword ANSYS, Cantilever Beam, Inclined crack, Mode shape, Natural Frequency, Simply Supported Beam
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Open Access
AUTHOR Aldrin B. Marak
TITLE Professional Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Elementary School Teachers of East Garo Hills District of Meghalaya
ABSTRACT This paper studied the difference in and relationship between professional commitment and job satisfaction of elementary school teachers teaching in East Garo Hills district of Meghalaya across gender, locality, training and length of service. The data were gathered through two standardized tools viz. Professional Commitment Scale for teachers by Kaur, Ranu and Brar (2011) and Job Satisfaction Scale for teachers by Dixit (2013) from 926 upper primary school teachers of 199 U.P. schools of East Garo Hills district of Meghalaya. Statistical measures of mean, S.D., t-test and Pearson’s product moment correlation were employed to analyze the raw scores so obtained and draw inferences. The findings of the present investigation reveal that gender, locality and training were reported to have significant effects on the professional commitment of teachers whereas length of service had no significant effect on the same. Secondly gender, training and length of service were reported to have significant effects on the job satisfaction of teachers whereas locality had no significant effect on the same. Thirdly, a positive and significant relationship were found between professional commitment and job satisfaction of male, urban and trained upper primary school teachers of East Garo Hills district. The paper discusses certain suggestions for enhancing the professional commitment and job satisfaction of upper primary school teachers of East Garo Hills district of Meghalaya.
Keyword Professional Commitment, Job Satisfaction, East Garo Hills, Job Satisfaction
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Open Access
AUTHOR Dr. D. Elango, Nagaraj. S
TITLE Compare the socio economic conditions of handloom weavers and occupational shifted persons in Palakkad district of Kerala
ABSTRACT Traditional hand weaving has been a part of India’s cultural heritage. This sector occupies a position next to agriculture as it provides livelihood opportunities to millions of people. The handloom industry is expanding both nationally and internationally because of the demand for hand crafted artifacts and unique traditional design. Handloom is a way of life for many people in India. At present the socio economic condition of the weaving community is continuously deteriorating. Hence handloom weavers are changing their traditional occupation and trying to new opportunities. Due to job changed, standard of living of people has been increased in all spheres. But the health conditions of job shifted declined and victims of life style disease. Even though they can afford the modern health practices and is high cost.
Keyword Dhotis, Lungies, Churitars, Sarees And Vesheties
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Open Access
AUTHOR Sachin K Pisal, Dipak S. Virkar
TITLE Design And Development Of Antitheft Safety System With MATLAB For Vehicle
ABSTRACT The theft security of vehicle has become a matter of concern. An efficient automotive security system is implemented for anti-theft using an embedded system integrated with Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM).This proposed work is an attempt to design and develop a smart anti-theft system that uses GSM system to prevent theft and from non-authorized users by using microcontroller-based system. An efficient automotive security system is implemented for anti-theft using an embedded system. The owner can get SMS of lock or unlock information of vehicle. A microcontroller is programmed using MATLAB, a directional valve is controlled by microcontroller to take the proper valve position to allow the lock and unlock vehicle door..
Keyword Global System, Mobile Communication, Embedded System, Programmed Microcontroller
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Open Access
AUTHOR Dr. P.V. Raveendra, N. Srikanth Reddy
TITLE An Empirical Study on Measuring Corporate Retail Store Success
ABSTRACT Measuring success of any business is crucial and equally crucial is the measure used. There are many measures primarily financial in nature; however other measures are equally significant. Corporate retail plays a significant role in the modern economy. The Paper titled “An Empirical Study on Measuring Corporate Retail Store Success” is a study restricted to retail stores in Karnataka. EBITDA is found to be the one measure that the stores managers were using to measure retail success.
Keyword Retail Store Success, EBITDA, Store Managers Across Karnataka
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Open Access
AUTHOR Dipak S. Virkar, Sachin K Pisal
TITLE Experimental Investigation of single cylinder diesel engine by use of callophyllum and its blends
ABSTRACT Biodiesel is a renewable fuel, which can reduce the use of petroleum based fuels and possibly lower the overall greenhouse gas emissions of internal combustion engines. Biodiesel is currently expensive but would be more cost effective if it could be produced from low–cost oils (restaurant waste, frying oils, and animal fats). These low–cost feedstocks are more challenging to process because they contain high levels of free fatty acids. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of the biodiesel produced from high free fatty acid feedstocks on engine performance.The biodiesel is nothing but the diesel blended with the oil extracted by the various plant seeds also by fatty acids, the oil is blended in proportion of 5% to 100%. In this project we tested the diesel blended with the callophyllum oil in proportion 00, 15,30,45,60 and 100% and tested on Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) Diesel Engine as per ASTM standard. The performance test was conducted for parameters, BSFC, Break power, Break thermal efficiency.
Keyword Transesterification, Preheating, Biodiesel Blends
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30th MARCH 2024
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25th MARCH 2024
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Last date of paper submission is 25th April 2023