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Authors should submit only papers that have been carefully proof read and polished. Before submission please make sure that your paper is prepared using the journal paper template. This will ensure fast processing and publication. Acceptance or rejection notification will be sent to all authors. Authors are requested to download the template of paper form paper template tag given in the home page. The IJIFR invites contribution in the following categories:
1. Original research
2. Survey/Review articles, providing a comprehensive review on a scientific topic & opinions, abstracts and essays related to engineering and recent technology.
3. Fast Communications: Short, self-contained articles on on-going research.
4. A Few critical review papers will be published if the author had done considerable work in that area.
5. Any new area which has potential to be published in an International journal as well as Areas related to advancement in computers, engineering, applied sciences and communication science Research Papers.
6. Comparative Studies, Simulation / Implementation Results, Research Proposals and Comparative Analysis

Authors are advised to read the following Submission Guidelines before submitting the manuscript/ original paper

* Papers submitted for the Journal should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time.
* A declaration should be made by the author in the covering letter that the paper is original and has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
* The cover page should contain the title of the paper, author's name, designation, official address and address for correspondence, contact, phone/fax number and e-mail address.
* ¨ Papers should bear the abstract, introduction, rationale, review, research design, analysis and interpretation, findings and conclusion, and references in IJIFR paper template.
* Research paper with the abstract containing tables, figures and reference should be around 3000-6000 words or up to 10 pages. More than 10 pages there will be an extra payment for each page made by the author. You can check the Payment options for further details.
* Publication of the article or paper rests with the Editorial committee and it depends entirely on its standard and relevance. Authors may also be requested to revise their manuscript before they can be accepted for publication. Correspondence in this regard will be done with the first named author unless otherwise indicated.
* Maximum time taken for processing the paper is 7-10 days.
* When a submission is created the author will be asked to confirm that the manuscript has not been previously published in any language and whether it is under consideration for publication by another journal. The author must promptly inform the chief editor if it is submitted for publication elsewhere before its disposition by the journal. It is unethical for an author to publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one peerreviewed paper.
* When the corresponding author approves a submission an email is automatically sent to each co-author requesting that he/she click the link in the email to verify co-authorship. Please ensure the email addresses are current and correctly input for each co-author. The co-authors entered in the upload system must match the list of co-authors included on the manuscript title page.
* An author should make no material changes to a paper after it has been accepted. If there is a compelling reason to make changes (other than to correct typographical errors), the author is obligated to inform the editor directly of the nature of the desired change. Only the editor has the final authority to approve any such requested changes.
* Image Copyright: In general images that are under copyright should be avoided, and in some cases would also contravene the commercialism rule. However, in extreme cases, authors can use non-commercial images that are under copyright providing that the authors have permission to do so by the original copyright holder and clearly state after the image caption that the authors have permission from the original copyright holder to use the image.
* All submitted articles will be submitted to the concerned Chief Editor who inspects the manuscript, if he determines that the manuscript is not of sufficient quality to be submitted for review or if the submitted manuscript is out of scope of the journal he reject the submission without any further processing. An email will be sent to the concerned author informing about the rejection of manuscript.
* If the recommendation is to submit after minor changes, the article will be send to the corresponding author of the article for submitting after making the recommended corrections. Corresponding author is the responsible person to resubmit the article after making recommended corrections within stipulated time. If the recommendation is to submit after major change, the Chief Editor determines whether to accept the paper or not, if he rejects the author will be informed about the decision, if he accepts the above-mentioned procedure will be adopted.

Manuscript Preparation
Organize the paper following these major headings: Title, Author(s) and address (es), Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods for experimental study or Methodology for non-experimental study, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgment, and Literature Cited. The Literature Cited should substantially consist of articles published in current content-covered or peer-reviewed journals.
The complete manuscript / camera ready paper should follow the given format as shown in table below. Authors must go through complete paper format of IJIFR before submitting their original and final work.

Style Apply To Font Size Alignment Spacing/Other
Authors Author block Times 11 Centred 12 points before; use soft returns (SHIFT-ENTER) at ends of lines
Abstract Header Abstract heading Arial 12 Left 12 points before bold 3 points after
Keywords(plus Arial 12pt bold) Keywords heading Arial 12 Left,flowing bold straight into keywords 6 points before 12 points after; insert continuous section
Keywords Keywords Times 10 Left break after keywords
Heading 1 Level 1 headings, incl. acknowledgements and references Arial 12 Bold Left 0.75 cm hanging 12 points before 3 points after
Heading 2 Level 2 headings Arial 11 Bold Left 1.0 cm hanging 12 points before 3 points after
Heading 3 Level 3 headings Arial 10 Bold Left 1.25 cm hanging 12 points
Body Abstract text; Main body text Times 10 Justifed 6 points before
Caption Table and Figure Caption Times 10 Centred 6 points before and after;table captions above table,figure captions below figure
Label Text Text With in Labels Times 10 Left
Equation Equations Times 10 Left, with number on right in parenthese 6 points before; includes a right tab to place number at right margin
Reference Times 10 References Times 10 Justified; 0.7 cm hanging indent 3 points before;numbers in square brackets

Conclusions should briefly answer the objectives of the study. They are not repetitions of the discussions but are judgments of the results obtained.

Literature Cited
Every manuscript must include a “Literature Cited” section that contains only those works cited within the text. Each entry should contain all information necessary or unambiguous identification of the published work.
All papers must be submitted to . The web site will require you to enter

Important Dates
Final Publication Notification
30th MARCH 2024
Last Date Of Paper Submission
25th MARCH 2024
Acceptance Notification
Join Editorial Board
Authors are advised to submit authentic research work only.
Please feel free to contact us at [email protected]
Last date of paper submission is 25th April 2023